from Letters from

yellowfever, which had some months before appeared at Cádiz, began
to shew itself in our large. suburb of Triana, on the other side of
the Guadalquivir. As no measures were taken to prevent communication
with Cádiz, it is supposed that the infection was brought by some of
the numerous seafaring people that inhabit the vicinity of the river.
The progress of the malady was slow at first, and confined to one
side of the street where it began. Meetings of all the physicians
were convened by the chief magistrates, who, though extremely
arbitrary in matters of daily occurrence, are, in Spain, very timid
and dilatory on any extraordinary emergency. Unconscious of the
impending danger, the people flocked to these meetings to amuse
themselves at the expense of our doctors, who are notoriously
quarrelsome and abusive when pitted against each other. A
few of
the more enlightened among them ventured to declare their conviction
that the fever was infectious; but their voice was drowned in the
clamour of a large majority who wished to indulge the stupid
confidence of the inhabitants. […] It was already high time to take
alarm, and symptoms of it were shown by the chief authorities. Their
measures, however, cannot fail to strike you as perfectly original.
No separation of the infected from the healthy part of the town: no
arrangement for confining and relieving the sick poor. […] Anxious,
therefore, to avoid every questionable step in circumstances of such
magnitude, the civil authorities wisely resolved to make an
application to the archbishop and chapter for the solemn prayers
called Rogativas,
are used in times of public affliction. This request was granted
without delay, and the Rogativa
at the cathedral for nine consecutive days, after sunset.
- Which aspects of life in Spain are criticized in these Letters?
- Can Blanco White be considered as a Enlightened writer ? Why?
- Do you notice any changes between 1800 and today's life in Spain?Download here
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